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Arcweave makes weekly Discord Nitro giveaways a server mainstay

Following the success of their last giveaway campaign, Arcweave has announced that weekly Nitro giveaways will be a permanent feature of their Discord server.


To thank our community for the huge success of our previous 5-week-long summer giveaway, Arcweave has launched permanent weekly Discord Nitro giveaways for the members of our Discord server.

Starting from August 23rd and continuing every following Friday, we will announce a new, exciting giveaway challenge for our Discord server members, ranging from tasks as simple as being active in chat to posting pictures of your pets. A winner will be randomly selected from the participants each week and gifted one month of Discord Nitro premium.

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To kickstart these weekly giveaways, we are doing a simple screenshot giveaway! So, if you want to see how you can enter and receive your month of free Discord Nitro, just keep reading! 

Entering the giveaway

The rules to the screenshot giveaway are both simple and easy:

  1. Join the Arcweave Discord server.
    Arcweave Invite Picture
  2. React to the pinned message in the #giveaways channel with 🎁 in order to receive the giveaways role.
    Checking pinned GIF
  3. Log into Arcweave or create a new account.
    arcweave sign up
  4. Take a screenshot of anything in the Arcweave app.
    arcweave app
  5. Post your screenshot in the #giveaways channel.
    posting screenmshot
  6. The winner will be randomly selected by staff on Friday, August 30th.

And that's all there is to it!

Once the winner has been announced and the screenshot challenge is over, staff will announce the next giveaway challenge for the following week. So, if you don't win the screenshot challenge, make sure you stick around to participate in other giveaways and events!

Arcweave Discord server

Arcweave is an online tool for creating interactive experiences used by writers, game developers, and narrative designers, but our discord server encapsulates a much larger community outside of our users, including gamers, programmers, and people who just like to chat!

Our chat channel is a space for all chatter unrelated to Arcweave, so whether you want to chat about a game or show off pictures of your cat, you should head to this section of our server for general conversations. Or, if you want to discuss Arcweave, you can do so in one of the many channels in the Arcweave category. Plus, our community manager is always around to answer any questions and provide any help you need.

Aside from this Discord Nitro giveaway, the Arcweave Discord server hosts other giveaways and events as well, such as #MerryArcweave and our annual gamejam with loads of prizes including Steam gift cards.

So, to sum it up, even aside from our weekly Nitro giveaways, there's a ton of reasons to stay active in the Arcweave community whether you use Arcweave or not!

What are you waiting for?

With a new Nitro giveaway announced every week, there's no reason to hesitate! Jump into the screenshot challenge before August 30th for your chance to win. Giveaway information and winners will be announced every Friday via Arcweave's Twitter and Discord

Good luck to all participants; we hope to see soon in our server!